Pilates Movement Therapy
Pilates was originally called Contrology by the founder, Joseph Pilates. It is an isotonic practice, meaning the muscles are in motion both strengthening and stretching at the same time. Students are encouraged to work within the range they can efficiently support both concentrically and eccentrically. Sometimes we pause where it is useful, but the system itself is self discovery through motion. For me, the motion can be very small or big. As long as it is executed with integrity in the present moment.
Equipment and props are often used to help give feedback to the person practicing. This is helpful to feel things about yourself that you may not otherwise. I use equipment by Balanced Body; the reformer, chair, trapeze table, barrel, and numerous other props such as balls and rollers. It is a practice that builds centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, and flow as the 6 basic principles that overlap in their usefulness to each other.
Ease of motion.
Ease and fullness of breath.
Increased strength and range.
Body Awareness.
Reduced or pain free motion.
Increased movement options.
A "Return To Life" as Joseph Pilates intended and named one of his books
My skill set allows for a great diversity of approaches. Pilates Based Movement Therapy Sessions are personally developed for your needs both short and long term. I can creatively use, rethink, and adapt the Pilates repertoire to help open up new body movement connections for healthy pain free movement. Through careful facilitation, the session is yours to discover your own healthy movement needs.
Observing movement as a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist provides a full perspective from which to provide healthy movement options. I draw on a strong knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and developmental movement to create careful tips and cuing that are meaningful to my clients. Hands on skills from a strong Dynamic Embodiment™ and CranioSacral Therapy practice furthers the proprioceptive feedback of performing the Pilates repertoire as well as providing support where needed.